
Fortunato Vivante Family

Coat of arms of baron Vivante di Villabella – Archivio Fam. Iachia.

My beloved Natalia and dearest children,

All my life I tried to follow the advice and the example of that guardian angel that was my brother Fortunato, and in this occasion as well I am making use of his words:

“Should I have forgotten some loyal and devoted person, dear to me, and even if they needed it, I wish them to be taken into consideration, with Natalia deciding with your advice; at the same time I leave you freedom to decide any possible further donation”.

I plead with you, my dears, not to overindulge in cries and grief, knowing I have always avoided formalities – if my blessed daughters, if my dearest sons-in-law […] really want to honour my memory, may they solemnly swear on my remains:


to not forsake my blessed Natalia, even if, with age, should she become ill or bad-tempered.




to never forsake Angelo and Carmen, giving them those proofs of love and affection they need the most, given their unfortunate circumstances […]


At last, to keep living among sisters and brothers-in-law in the most perfect harmony, in the most fraternal relationships.




I believe I set everything with justice and equity. I leave this world completely at peace, knowing I have always followed the path my parents showed me. Follow it yourselves, too.


[Extract from Giuseppe Vivante’s last will and testament, Archivio Iachia, Ruda (UD)]


Originating from Treviso, this branch of the Vivante family moved to Trieste around 1860, drawn by the opportunities offered by the growing city.

It was Fortunato who mainly took advantage and, thanks to his skills and expertise, he rose from simple bank clerk to one of the richest and most influential men in the turn-of-the-century Trieste.

Here, together with Fortunato, lay his parents, his brother Giuseppe with his wife Natalia Schmitz, while an inscription remembers two of their children, killed during the Shoah.

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