
Listen to the tales of the Torah

Video Presentation

The video presentation of the book by Jael Kopciowski Listen to the tales of the Torah, with drawings by Giorgio Mieli, was held on 19 May 2021 in collaboration with the ADEI Wizo of Trieste. The book was published in 2020 by CRESCI Centro di Riferimento Educativo per lo Sviluppo Cognitivo Integrato.


In Italian language.
Automatic subtitles translated from youtube available.



Common strategies in the time of cholera.
The Trieste model in Europe

Video Conference

The conference held by Dr. Francesco Toncich PhD on April 1, 2020 was the first online conference organized by the “Carlo e Vera Wagner” Museum of the Jewish Community of Trieste, with the help of Dr. Elisabetta Floreano PhD and in partnership with the Associazione di promozione sociale “Per la Costituzione” – San Daniele del Friuli, the Centro Culturale Veritas – Trieste and the Limes Club Trieste

In Italian language.
Automatic subtitles translated from youtube available.

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