Jewish archeology and history
16 february 2025

Sunday 16 February 2025
via del Monte 7
Organized by the Musica Libera Association with the Jewish Community Museum of Trieste “Carlo and Vera Wagner,” the Friuli Society of Archaeology and the Adei Wizo of Trieste.
10.00 Institutional greetings
10.30 a.m. ANDREA MORPURGO Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation in Italy
La sinagoga e il cimitero ebraico: una storia parallela e dialogante (The synagogue and the Jewish cemetery: a parallel and dialoguing history)
11.30 a.m. SAMUELE ROCCA Ariel University
l ginnasio a Gerusalemme: ellenizzazione, assimilazione, o realpolitik? (The gymnasium in Jerusalem: Hellenization, assimilation, or realpolitik?)
12.30 Pause
15.00 GIACOMO LUPERINI National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago and LAURA PAVAN Joints to the Point Portoferraio
Cosmopoli: vita morte e rinascita della Comunità ebraica dell’isola d’Elba (Cosmopolis: life death and rebirth of the Jewish Community on the island of Elba)
16.00 MIRIAM DAVIDE Dept. of Humanistic Studies, University of Trieste
La mobilità ebraica del Tardo Medioevo nell’Italia Nord-Orientale e nell’Istria (Jewish mobility in the Late Middle Ages in Northeastern Italy and Istria)
17.00 Final greetings
Free admission subject to availability
Live on the YouTube channel of Un Mare di Archeologia
Information: musicaliberats@gmail.com