Stumbling stones 2025
Sunday 19 January 2024 from 9.30 am

Laying of eighteen new Stolpersteine in Trieste
The Jewish Community of Trieste is pleased to invite all citizens to participate in the new Stolpersteine installations in Trieste.
On Sunday 19 January 2025, thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Trieste, with the authorization of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and with the participation of the Liceo Classico Linguistico “Francesco Petrarca”, the initiative conceived and realized by the artist Gunter Demnig continues.
As every year, the inscriptions were prepared, at the request of the individual clients, by the Jewish Community of Trieste with the help of various scholars, bodies, associations and research institutes.
Below is the complete program of the day, which we ask you to consider indicative as regards the times of the intermediate stages.
9.30 a.m. Corso Italia 12
Greetings from the authorities and stumbling stones for
ROSA ELIA BARUCH (Corfu 1855 – Auschwitz 1944)
ENRICHETTA BARUCH POLACCO (Corfu 1872 – Auschwitz 1944)
10.15 a.m. Via Cesare Beccaria 6
Stumbling stone for
EMANUELE ELIA (Corfu 1861- Auschwitz 1944)
10.45 am Via Guglielmo Marconi 16
Stumbling stones for
ZOE LEVI AUSTERLITZ (Trieste 1885 – Auschwitz 1944)
LAURA AUSTERLITZ (Trieste 1916 – 1982)
11.30 a.m. Via Severi 7
Stumbling stone for
BRUNO BELLELI (Trieste 1906 – Auschwitz date unknown)
12.00 PAUSE
3.00 p.m. Via Pasquale Besenghi 33
Stumbling stones for
FORTUNATA EMMA MORDO VIVANTE (Trieste 1860 – Auschwitz date unknown)
GIORGIO VIVANTE (Trieste 1889 – Auschwitz date unknown)
PIETRO (NABUCCO) GEIRINGER (Trieste 1886 – Auschwitz date unknown)
FANNY VIVANTE GEIRINGER (Trieste 1898 – Auschwitz date unknown)
CLAUDIO GEIRINGER (Trieste 1922 – Auschwitz date unknown)
LAURA GEIRINGER (Trieste 1924 – 1951)
3.30 p.m. Via Principe di Montfort 4
Stumbling stones for
ANITA LEVI (Trieste 1882 – Auschwitz 1943)
ARGIA LEVI (Trieste 1894 – Auschwitz date unknown)
4 p.m. Via della Madonna Del Mare 2
Stumbling stones for
ENRICA ISABELLA GENTILLI CALÒ (San Daniele del Friuli 1892 – Auschwitz date unknown)
EMILIO CALÒ (Florence 1884 – Auschwitz date unknown)
ROSINA CALÒ (Trieste 1922 – Bergen-Belsen date unknown)
GIUSEPPE FELICE CALÒ (Trieste 1923 – Auschwitz date unknown)
After the installations you can find more information on the digital map of Trieste’s Triestine Memorials Stones on this website.
Please note that the requests for new installations are so numerous that we have already exhausted the possibilities for 2026 and therefore the next requests can only be fulfilled in 2027.
Once again, we would like to thank Gunter Demnig and the staff of his Foundation for their tireless work in the service of Remembrance.