
Aron‘s Conscience    A Jewish Novel

2 May 2023 at 3.30 pm in presence and online

   A special event for the 100th anniversary

   of the first edition of  Zeno’s Conscience by Italo Svevo

2 May 2023 at 15.30 in presence and online

A special event, in our Museum, to celebrate 100 years since the first edition of Zeno’s Conscience, by Italo Svevo, published by the Bolognese publisher Cappelli in May 1923.

In collaboration with the Svevo Museum, Trieste.

Participants will include:

ALBERTO CAVAGLION University of Florence

TULLIA CATALAN University of Trieste DiSU

RICCARDO CEPACH Svevian Museum, Trieste

LUCA DE ANGELIS International Conferences on Jewish Italian Literature

ENRICO MELLI descendant of rabbi Sabato Raffaele Melli


Via del Monte 7 at 3.30 p.m. but also online at ZOOM

Meeting ID: 867 2977 0761

Passcode: 871193

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