Stumbling stones 2023
Wednesday 18 January 2023 from 9 am
Laying of fifteen new Stolpersteine in Trieste
The Jewish Community of Trieste is pleased to invite all citizens to participate in the new Stolpersteine installations in Trieste.
On Wednesday 18 January 2023, thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Trieste, with the authorization of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and with the participation of the Liceo Classico Linguistico Petrarca, the initiative conceived by the artist Gunter Demnig continues.
Demnig returns to carry out the installations himself, after the forced pause due to the pandemic.
As every year, the inscriptions were prepared, at the request of the individual clients, by the Jewish Community of Trieste with the help of various scholars, bodies, associations and research institutes, including the National Association of Ex Deported Persons of Trieste and the CDEC Foundation of Milan.
Starting at 9.00, in viale XX Settembre 26 at the entrance to the IC Divisione Julia, where a Stone will be installed in memory of the teacher of the former Liceo Ginnasio Petrarca, MAURA MORPURGO, fifteen new Stumbling blocks, dedicated to as many victims of Nazi-fascist persecution.
The first installation – strongly desired by Cinzia Scheriani, former principal of the Divisione Julia, and by Cesira Militello, principal of the “Liceo Petrarca” – will be attended by students from both schools, together with their classmates from Morpurgo Tedeschi, guided respectively by current principal Chiara Cacucci, by the teacher Sabrina Benussi and by the didactic coordinator Nathan Neumann.
At the end of the morning, outside the rectory of the Church of Cattinara, a Stone will be laid in memory of the young partisan DARINKA PIŠČANC , nom de guerre SLOVENKA, who had attended the Petrarca Highschool and who was barbarously killed in the infamous Villa Triste in via Bellosguardo.
At the laying of the stone in memory of SALOMONE TIANO, in viale XX Settembre 87, the choir of the students of the Carducci Dante musical high school in Trieste will participate. One of its members is Ornella Mormina Tiano, who is Salomone’s great-granddaughter.
After the break, the installations will resume, always accompanied by music, at 2.30 pm in Piazza Libertà with the laying of the stone in memory of ROMANO HELD, the first in Italy dedicated to a Roma/Sinti deportee, through a joint initiative of the Union of Italian Jewish Youth and the Union of Romanès Communities in Italy.
Below is the complete program of the day, which we ask you to consider indicative as regards the times of the intermediate stages.
9.00 am
Viale XX Settembre 26
Institutional greetings and installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
MAURA MORPURGO (Trieste 1908 – Auschwitz 1944)
Approximately 9.35 am
Via Enea Silvio Piccolomini 4
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
EMMA LEVI (Trieste 1861 – Auschwitz date unknown)
Approximately 10.00 am
Via Raffaele Zovenzoni 4
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
ALESSANDRO REVERE (Trieste 1892 – Auschwitz date unknown)
Approximately 10.25 am
Via Luigi Ricci 2
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
DARIO DAVID ACCO (Trieste 1927 – Auschwitz 1944)
Approximately 10.50 am
Via dei Cunicoli 7
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
ELIO ADES (Trieste 1870 – Auschwitz 1944)
Approximately 11.15 am
Viale XX Settembre 87
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
SALOMONE TIANO (Trieste 1915 – Auschwitz date unknown)
Approximately 12.00 am
Strada di Fiume 499
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
DARINKA PIŠČANC “SLOVENKA“ (Trieste 1921 – 1944)
2.30 pm
Piazza Libertà, entrance to the garden in front of the station
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
ROMANO HELD (San Pier d’Isonzo 1927 – Trieste 1948)
Approximately 3.05 pm
Via San Nicolò 32
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
ALFREDO LEVI (Trieste 1908 – Kaufering-Dachau 1945)
Approximately 3.30 pm Via delle Ombrelle 7
Installation of five stumbling stones in memory of
LEONE VIVANTE (Trieste 1903 – Auschwitz 1944)
PACINA ISRAEL VIVANTE (Trieste 1907 – Auschwitz date unknown)
ENRICHETTA VIVANTE (Trieste 1929 – Auschwitz date unknown)
FELICE VIVANTE (Trieste 1930 – Auschwitz unknown date)
DAVIDE VIVANTE (Trieste 1935 – Auschwitz date unknown)
Approximately 4.10 pm
Via Guido Reni 6
Installation of a stumbling stone in memory of
RENATO DUSE (Bologna 1893 – Mauthausen-Melk 1945)