ISRAEL: archeology
Five lectures on “Israel: history and archeology”, in collaboration with the ADEI WIZO of Trieste, the Musica Libera Association, the Triestine Zionistic Group and the Friulian Archeology Society.
Waiting for “A sea of archeology”, the Trieste festival dedicated to the dissemination of historical and archaeological studies,
the “Carlo and Vera Wagner” Museum is pleased to host a series of lectures on Israel: history and archeology, in collaboration with the ADEI WIZO of Trieste, the Musica Libera Association, the Triestine Zionistic Group and the Friulian Archeology Society.
All meetings will be held both face to face in the accessible conference room
in via del Monte 7 with reinforced green pass and FFP2 mask,
and online on the Zoom platform.
Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 5.30 pm
DAN BAHAT Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem
Meeting ID: 839 9894 7576 Passcode: 104309
Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 5.30 pm
SAMUELE ROCCA The siege of Masada
Meeting ID: 886 8782 8419 Passcode: 407876
Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 5.30 pm
DAVIDE CASALI The destruction of the Second Temple by Titus: causes and consequences from a Jewish point of view
Meeting ID: 860 0475 5888 Passcode: 663674
Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 5.30 pm
ELISABETTA FLOREANO Philistines: decades of research in Israel to unravel the mystery of their identity
Meeting ID: 857 8426 6873 Passcode: 523747
Tuesday 24 May 2022 at 5.30 pm
SUSANNA MOSER Ancient Egypt and Israel. The Jewish presence in the Nile Valley according to Egyptian sources
Meeting ID: 856 2591 1772 Passcode: 605827