The Jewish Roots of Feuerstein’s Tought
21/11/2021 at 4 PM
Believing in the Past and Being Active in the Present to Build the Future
A convention organized for the 100th anniversary
of Reuven Feuerstein’s birth
Sunday 21 November
starting at 4 PM / 16.00 CET
our Museum will host a special event for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the psychologist and pedagogist Reuven Feuerstein (Botoșani 1921 – Jerusalem 2014)
The Jewish Roots of Feuerstein’s Thought
Believing in the Past and Being Active in the Present
to Build the Future
Moderator: MARINA L . RODOCANACHI ROIDI IRCSS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
16.00 CET Saluti istituzionali / Institutional welcoming remarks
FIRST PART (in English followed by a short Italian translation)
16.20 DR. RAV RAFI FEUERSTEIN Head of the Feuerstein Movement CEO President of The Feuerstein Institute
Relevance of the Jewish culture in the conception of the Institute’s proposal / La rilevanza della cultura ebraica nella concezione della proposta dell’Istituto
16.40 LOU FALIK Emeritus Professor, San Francisco State University and Senior Scholar , the Feuerstein Institute
The impact of Reuven’s family background and life choices / L’impatto del background famigliare di Reuven sulle sue scelte di vita
17.00 CHAIM GUGGENHEIM Family member
The point of view from the central western European Hebrew culture / Il punto di vista della cultura ebraica dell’Europa centro occidentale
SECOND PART (in Italian)
17.30 JAEL KOPCIOWSKI Trainer I E standard/Basic/LPAD, Responsabile scientifico CRESCI Centro di Riferimento Educativo per lo Sviluppo Cognitivo Integrato
Dalla trasmissione culturale, valore ebraico prioritario, al concetto di mediazione / From cultural transmission priority Jewish values to the concept of mediation
17.50 SILVIA GUETTA Trainer I E Standard, Docente di Pedagogia Generale e Sociale Dipartimento FORLILPSI, Università degli Studi di Firenze
La qualità della relazione educativa come base per la pace The quality of the educational relationship as the basis for peace
18.10 VALENTINA MARIOLA Trainer I E standard/Basic, Insegnante Feldenkrais CRESCI Centro di Riferimento Educativo per lo Sviluppo Cognitivo Integrato
Feuerstein e Feldenkrais attivi nel promuovere le potenzialità umane radici culturali comuni ed analoga impostazione di pensiero / Feuerstein and Feldenkrais activists in promoting human resources Common cultural roots and analogous thought
18.30 FIORELLA CASTELNUOVO Trainer I E standard/Basic, Docente in pensione della Scuola Ebraica di Roma
Feuerstein, il Pitigliani e la comunità ebraica / Feuerstein, Pitigliani and Jewish Community
18.50 Domande e risposte /Question Answers
19.15 Conclusioni Conclusions by SILVIA GUETTA and JAEL KOPCIOWSKI