
Like in a carousel

12 Oct. 2021 at 6 pm in presence and online

Presentation of the book about Ursula Hirschmann written by Marcella Filippa

Tuesday 12 October at 6 pm

80 years after the Ventotene Manifesto, the Museum is honored to present a recent book dedicated to the figure of Ursula Hirschmann (Berlin 1913 – Rome 1991), who was one of the protagonists of its drafting and dissemination:

“Ursula Hirschmann.
Come in una giostra”

di Marcella Filippa
(Aras edizioni 2021)

Together with the Author, Prof. Marta Verginella (University of Ljubljana) will be with us.

In presence in via del Monte 7 with green pass

but also online on Zoom ID riunione: 870 5285 9420 Passcode: 714192.


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