
Racism at school the catalogue

07 june 2021 at 6 PM

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Razzismo in cattedra

Presentation of the catalogue of the 2018 exhibit “Racism at school”

Monday 7 June 2021 at 6.00 pm

on ZOOM Meeting ID: 827 2273 6884 Passcode: 482741

The catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Liceo Petrarca in 2018 with the collaboration of our Museum, of the Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste and of the State Archives of Trieste will be presented.

Racism at school
F. Petrarca high school of Trieste
and the Racial Laws of 1938

edited by Sabrina Benussi and Annalisa Di Fant

EUT 2021


Marcello Flores – Historian

Luigi Maccotta – Head of the Italian delegation International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance IHRA

Daniela Tedeschi – President of the Association of Children of the Shoah – Milan

The volume, which can be downloaded for free here https://www.openstarts.units.it/handle/10077/32070, proposes what was produced for the exhibition set up by the students of Petrarca, with the addition of contributions from representatives of the institutions involved in the project – Cesira Militello, Tullia Catalan and Antonietta Colombatti -, a dense introduction by the historian Michele Sarfatti, some images of the three exhibitions organized between Trieste and Milan and the touching words of the witness Fulvia Levi, to whom the book is dedicated.

The publication was possible thanks to the support of the Jewish Community of Trieste, of the Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste, of the Osiride Brovedani Foundation onlus, and of Paolo Volli. 

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